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Dementia is a rising concern. We won’t ignore it any longer. 

There will be over 1 million people living with dementia in the UK in 2024. Have you ever stopped to think about how many people this will affect?  

A diagnosis of dementia is devastating for the whole family. For each of these one million people, there will be family and friends doing their best to care for their loved ones. As support for unpaid carers has become increasingly scarce, these people will be taking on more and more caring responsibilities. They need our help. 




That’s where we come in. We are one of the few UK-wide charities dedicated to supporting carers of people with dementia. These people are our family, our friends, our colleagues. If you are an employer, it's highly likely many of your employees have caring responsibilities and they are struggling.  

We are here to help you better support your employees who may have caring responsibilities at home. They will get free access to our involvement network, events, information, and advice. We offer bespoke sessions specifically for carers who are working. We offer free sessions for unpaid carers from our unique Carer Development Programme. This programme has been carefully co-produced with carers to offer the support they really need. 

We are largely funded through trusts, legacies, and donations. If you want us to continue our vital work, please consider donating to us today. Becoming a partner of tide is your way to play a part in supporting unpaid carers. 

Please get in touch with us today if you are interested in working with tide. If you are looking to make a one-off corporate gift, please donate here. If you are interested in how we can help support your staff with caring responsibilities please get in touch. 



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Read Real Life Stories of Carers

Grow Your Brand


We are stronger together. That has always been our motto at tide. We all have a role to play in dementia awareness. Associating your brand with one of the few UK charities dedicated to helping carers of people with dementia can be a powerful statement Companies who support tide are playing a vital role in supporting unpaid carers of people with dementia. We can offer you support to ensure your organisation is more aware of concerns regarding caring for someone with dementia.

Inspire Your Staff


We are here to help you better support your employees who may have caring responsibilities at home. They will get free access to our involvement network, events, information, and advice. We offer bespoke sessions specifically for carers who are working. We hear how carers struggle to balance caring responsibilities with work every single day. It is vital that employers understand the strain many of their employees may be under. Find out more about our Carer Development Programme. 

Real Life Stories from Carers 


Don’t just listen to us. We encounter hundreds of unpaid carers every day who tell us that they simply can’t cope with responsibilities of caring for someone alongside work. Read Sarah’s story about caring for her grandma and working full time.

Our Partners & Sponsors


Make a donation

Carers of people with dementia need us. And we need you. Please give what you can and donate online now. Thank you for your donation.

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