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About us

Our vision is a world in which current and former carers are valued as equal partners and their needs are met. 

Our mission is to connect, enable and mobilise carers and former carers of people with dementia to use their experience to influence change. 

Who are we?

Imagine a collective of unpaid carers of people with dementia with the advocacy skills, knowledge and passion for making positive change for everyone impacted by dementia. Thanks to the work of tide, you don’t have to imagine. Tide works side by side with carers to ensure that their voices are heard. The foundations of tide were born out of the daily struggle that a group of women experienced in looking after family members with dementia. They decided that they did not want their experiences to become a reality for future carers. Out of this powerful commitment, tide the charity was born.  

Here at tide, we walk alongside carers. Every step of the way.  All that we do is grounded in the experience of the thousands of carers we have worked with over the years. We are continually inspired by the courageous people who come forward to add their voice to a growing movement. We see their confidence grow and lives change as carers realise the powerful impact of their voices. This is what motivates us. This is what keeps us moving forward.  

Whether you are a current or former carer of someone with dementia, or a professional working with carers, tide is here for you. Join us and let's make the world a better place for everyone living with dementia in the UK.  

What do we do?

Connect -  Carers who are members of tide have said meeting people, hearing and sharing stories helps with feelings of loneliness and isolation. You can join us at our friendly get-togethers by visiting our events page. We also have a closed Facebook group for unpaid carers to ask questions, share advice with one another and speak freely in a safe private space.

Confidence - we have developed with carers a series of online events that are designed to help you on your caring journey through our Carer Development Programme. From understanding your own emotional wellbeing to workshops on practical caring solutions

Influence - we believe in creating real change together. Whether it's having the right information at a Doctor's appointment, making changes locally, or influencing at a national level to create policy change and pushing for further research into dementia and dementia care. We will support you to make your voice heard.