Carer's Coffee Morning
Informal get-togethers to meet and chat with other unpaid carers
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Welcome to this months newsletter! Please have a read to find out what we've been up to at tide and what you have to look forward to.
Welcome to this months newsletter! Please have a read to find out what we've been up to at tide and what you have to look forward to.
This session will help participants to look at their emotional wellbeing and how to look after it both throughout any involvement with tide and beyond. Read more
Join us on Wednesday mornings for a relaxed chat with other members of tide. Our coffee morning groups friendly, informal and attended by current carers, carers of those who are in residential care and former carers so are open to all.
Chat and change is a chance for you to meet and talk with other carers. Share your experiences and ease your concerns in a pressure-free supportive environment of other people who know what you are going through. The best way to start a positive change is to voice your thoughts & opinions. So come, listen and let's make a better future for carers together.
We use zoom for this and can help you get set up and started if this is new to you.
Please contact if you have any questions Read more
Each month we hold meet ups to enable specific groups of carers to meet up virtually and discuss topics related to their experiences as carers. Read more
“Caring is a bit like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces symbolize the challenges that carers face on a daily basis, some larger and awkward, while others are corner pieces that fit perfectly. tide is the physical building together of the jigsaw, interlocking all the disconnected pieces, when assembled produce a complete picture"
- tide member and wife of someone with dementia