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Crowded Isolation and Loneliness

Family carers speak about their experiences of caring for someone with dementia

(This is an online event via Zoom).

Join us for this event hosted by carers and get free access to our new report Crowded Isolation and Loneliness – a carers perspective.

What is Crowded Isolation?

Caring for someone with dementia can be a lonely and isolating experience whilst at the same time your life feels crowded with the responsibility. You are dealing with a lot of different people, systems and reactions, trying to manage so many things and not knowing if you’re doing it right.

Carers of someone with dementia have described experiencing; a crowded mind with all the responsibility; daily life filled with caring routines with the prospect of an isolated future; lonely as your social life and independence disappear; your home crowded with strangers who are home carers (not there for you) or isolated in the house caring for someone; a sense of loneliness as the person you care for isn’t in your home or, if they are at home, they are they ‘no longer there’ as the person you knew.

All this, whilst, feeling a rollercoaster of emotions for the person you care for and for yourself. Ultimately, it can feel that really, you’re on your own.

‘I’m surrounded but I’m alone. I’ve never felt so isolated.’


22 Jun 2021


10:00 - 10:45

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